Fast Start Your Federal Career/Job Search!

Adelle J. Dantzler, M.S.Ed., has over 30 years of experience in the career and leadership development field in Fortune 500 companies, federal agencies, and with consultants. Over the past 20 years, she has used her experiences and certifications as a Federal Job Search Trainer and Federal Career Coach to train and consult with thousands of job seekers on the federal job search and private industry job search.
She has also taught hundreds of career services and management topics such as job search strategies, resume and cover letter writing, ATS, networking, and interviewing techniques. In addition, Ms. Dantzler receives valuable and up-to-date career and leadership development industry tips and development from her membership in the National Résumé Writers Association (NRWA), and Career Directors International (CDI).
Our Approach
Recent Posts
Your New Year’s Goals and Success
By Adelle J. Dantzler, M.S.Ed. Certified Federal Job Search Trainer/Career Coach “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” – Maya Angelou I kept this saying posted in…
Self-Awareness for Career Success – Career Assessments
From my experience administering and conducting hundreds of career assessments for career and leadership development, self-awareness is the beginning of growth and development. Assessment participants are always grateful to confirm…
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Our Values
Integrity • Experienced in Getting Results • Collaborative and Consultative Approach
Professional, Customized, Quality Résumé Tailored to Vacancy Announcement • Personal Follow-Up